Fatty tissue, our natural protective cushion, accounts for about 20% of the human body’s weight. It is composed of a fixed number of cells that store fat. Ultimately, the swelling of these fat-filled cells will cause an overweight condition.
By vacuuming away a few of these lipid deposits, liposuction reduces the possibility of accumulating fat in the treated areas. If you do regain weight, this fat will usually be spread among the remaining cells while maintaining the curves determined by liposuction.
Liposuction: a sophisticated technique
The tiny cannulas now used for liposuction enable tiny, barely perceptible points of entry that do not require sutures. The fine incisions close by themselves two or three days following the procedure after natural drainage of secretions has occurred. There will consequently be a little swelling and postoperative pain. These delicate canulas cause few depressions, which allows the surgeon to work near the skin and on a regular surface.
The benefits of liposuction
This popular cosmetic surgery boasts many advantages, such as fast and comfortable healing and harmonized results. Hollows, excess tissues and irregularities can all be treated.
Super Wet Technic local anesthesia constitutes another remarkable advance: it prevents the complications associated with general anesthesia. Besides providing good numbness, the anesthetizing solution contracts the vessels and makes the tissues firmer, which facilitates the surgeon’s overall work.
However, the main benefit of local anesthesia is that it allows the patient to be mobile. Because the patient can get up during the procedure, the real effect of gravity on the fat clusters (heavy thighs, for instance) can be evaluated immediately. The operating surgeon can thus work on the curves fully aware of the needs.
Since there is practically no bleeding, ecchymoses (bruises), swelling and pain are usually minimal. The same goes for the risk of adhesions (skin attachment).
Liposuction can also be performed under general anesthesia, in which case a solution containing adrenaline will be injected into the tissues to make them firmer and reduce bleeding.
What Is internal lipotransfer?
Introduced by Dr. Saylan and Dr. Blugerman, internal lipotransfer, also called liposhifting, enables one to level out skin irregularities and imperfections, whether they are natural or caused by trauma or liposuction.
Internal lipotransfer also enables to improve skin depression areas of the cellulite type. First, the fibers causing traction on the skin, with the ensuing small cavities, are separated. Then, using a sealed technique (without contact with air or oxygen), vacuuming followed by the simultaneous reinsertion of fat cells is performed, resulting in a uniform cushion.
Dr. Elise Bernier will initially mark with precision the areas of fat redistribution. Then these marked areas will be infiltrated with the Super Wet Technic. This particular technique requires the surgeon a lot of dexterity, precision, thoroughness and gentleness. The instruments used are therefore highly sophisticated. The tissues will be immobilized with special compressions which will remain in place for 7 days. Any aggressive manipulation of the treated areas must be avoided for a period of 3 to 4 weeks.
Internal lipotransfer involves few complications (hematomas, temporary hyperpigmentation) and reaps a high level of satisfaction (about 88%).
Frequently asked questions about liposuction
When will I be able to return to work and resume my activities?
As for returning to work, you have to allow about 2 days off. The day following the procedure you may feel some stiffness when changing postures, which can be relieved with acetaminophen or ice. It is recommended that you take walks anytime after the procedure. You may take a lukewarm shower on the third day and go swimming after 3 weeks. Wearing the girdle day and night is only required for 5 to 7 days, and during the day only for the following week. After 3 weeks you’ll be able to fully indulge in workouts, aerobics, swimming, tennis and jogging.
Will my skin wrinkle?
It would be exceptional that a liposuction procedure in itself causes slackening of the skin. What is often noticed is a better lifting of the skin. If slackening occurs it is usually because it was present before the procedure, especially at the abdomen level and internal face of the thighs.
Is this procedure only for young people?
Patients ranging from 16 to 72 years of age have resorted to liposuction. Everything depends on the quality of the tissues, the patient’s health and his or her expectations, which need to be realistic.
What are the areas that can be treated?
Liposuction can be performed on any area of the body where there is an accumulation of fat under the skin. Some areas such as the front and back of thighs and the calves are more tricky: irregularities may occur.
Is this a definitive solution?
Contrary to what was thought until now, and for unknown reasons, new fat cells may develop at the genetically determined sites of persons putting on weight after a liposuction procedure. Maintaining proper weight and a physical activity programme will guard you against a recurrence.
Are there complications?
They are usually few and infrequent, particularly when liposuction is performed under local anesthesia. Besides the complications inherent to any surgical procedure (infection, asymmetry), there is a slight risk of hematoma (collected blood) and seroma (collected blood serum). These problems can be treated with a simple puncture. Irregularities and the persistence of fat clusters are more frequent. When such irregularities are significant it may be necessary to touch up some affected areas (3% to 5%).
How long will it take before I notice the benefits?
When you make your follow-up visit two months after the procedure, major changes will already be noticeable. However, tissue reorganization and stabilization may take up to 6 or 9 months, especially in some areas like the stomach and calves.
Are you interested in liposuction?
Contact us for an evaluation with Dr. Bernier. We are located in Montreal, Sherbrooke and Val-d’Or.
To learn more about liposculpture, which involves liposuction, subcision and internal lipotransfer, you can read our blog post.
If you want to combine your liposuction with an abdominal lift, we invite you to consult our page dedicated to abdominoplasty.