Breast Lift

Traitements santé féminine - Dre Elise Bernier

Also known as mastopexy, the breast lift is a surgical procedure indicated for sagging breasts.

Factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss or genetics can cause breasts to lose their shape and become less firm. As a result, the nipples point down and are found under the inframammary fold with the breasts sagging unattractively and lacking substance.

The breast lifts’ aim is to reshape, reassemble and reposition the breast, thereby correcting the sagginess.

What is a breast lift?

The procedure consists of removing the extra skin around the areola and under the breast to redrape the skin to get a more enveloping skin and keep the breast in a more natural, younger position. Several incisions are possible depending on the degree of sagging and the amount of extra skin to be removed. The scars from these incisions will diminish over time and they will remain visible but hidden.

This type of procedure, with aesthetic purposes only, is adapted to each individual and aims to minimize the extent of the scars. It should also be noted that breast lift has no consequence on the ability to breastfeed nor on nipple sensitivity.

Benefits of a breast lift

Au-delà des répercussions esthétiques, des seins tombants peuvent avoir un impact sur l’estime de soi. Voici donc quelques avantages procurés par un redrapage mammaire :

  • Un buste plus rajeuni et plus arrondi : L’excédent cutané, la perte d’élasticité et la chute sur le thorax des seins surviennent à cause de plusieurs facteurs. Une mastopexie peut en corriger les effets.
  • Remonter les seins qui pointent vers le bas
  • Remodeler la forme des seins
  • Convalescence relativement courte : Vous pourrez retourner au travail après une dizaine de jours et reprendre une activité physique après environ 6 semaines.

How is a breast lift performed?

Le sein est la deuxième région la plus fragile du tissu cutané (après le visage). Les étirements multiples dus aux grossesses, à l’allaitement ou aux fluctuations de poids peuvent aggraver la ptose (affaissement du sein).

La procédure chirurgicale dure environ deux à trois heures. Les incisions effectuées pendant un redrapage mammaire dépendent du niveau de ptose, c’est-à-dire le degré de chute des seins.


Will it decrease the size of my breasts?

A breast lift aims to raise the breast by removing excess skin on the width and height, without removing volume from the breast itself.

Thus the measured volume will remain practically the same but will be better distributed (narrower). This can sometimes decrease the size of the cup, but will not have any impact on the contour. Thus a 34D will remain a 34, but the D can become a C with more curve and roundness.


Are you interested in a breast lift?

Each patient is unique and requires a personalized consultation and individualized treatment. Dr. Bernier will discuss with you your expectations and how to achieve them in a realistic manner.

You can contact us to make an appointment with Dr. Bernier at one of our clinics in Sherbrooke, Montreal or Val-d’Or.

A breast lift can also be combined with breast augmentation if you want more volume or firmness.