
photorajeunissement - Dre Elise Bernier

Sun exposure combined with age can have a negative impact on the skin. To significantly reduce visible effects and give the skin a “new energy”, photorejuvenation can be used.

What is photorejuvenation?

Photorejuvenation is a facial laser treatment that uses pulsed light to treat skin lesions. It activates the skin’s natural repair and regeneration processes, stimulating the production of collagen fibres and elastin. The technology used here is called Intense Pulsed Light, also known as IPL.

So, when you hear about IPL photorejuvenation or pulsed light photorejuvenation, know that they are the same thing.

Photofacial rejuvenation uses Elos® technology, based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. Here, pulsed light is used in synergy with the electrical energy of bipolar radiofrequency to reach deep into the skin and eliminate destructive targets. As a result, micro-lesions are created, triggering the production of collagen and elastin for natural regeneration of the skin.


What is corrected with photorejuvenation? What are the benefits?

Photorejuvenation is used to treat skin problems such as :

  • rosacea, redness, and blotchiness.
  • fine lines
  • pigment spots, including brown spots
  • enlarged pores
  • sagging or ageing skin
  • dry skin
  • dull complexion

Therefore, the benefits are mainly seen in the visible improvement of the treated surfaces. Photorejuvenation reduces the appearance of enlarged pores and improves the texture and radiance of the skin. It eliminates pigmentation and sunspots, as well as many visible imperfections.

Which areas can be treated?

In addition to the face, laser skin rejuvenation can be applied to the neck, cleavage, or hands. Appropriate treatment is used for each type of skin lesion for a satisfactory result.

How does the treatment work?

To start, we proceed to the deep cleaning of your face, then to protect your eyes, if the surface to be treated is the face. A gel will then be applied to protect and soothe the skin and promote the uniform diffusion of the pulsed light.

Once the device is adjusted, Intense Pulsed Light is applied. The gel is removed at the end of the session. A moisturizing cream can be applied to soothe any discomfort.

Each laser skin rejuvenation session lasts an average of 30 to 45 minutes.

How many sessions are needed?

Depending on the lesion, you may require 1 to 7 photorejuvenation sessions. At the time of your consultation, you will know exactly what you need because every skin has its particularities.

As part of a specific treatment, it is necessary to allow 3 weeks between each session. After the treatment, a maintenance session is recommended, in 4-month intervals. The results are visible progressively, knowing that a tissue reconstruction can take several months. Furthermore, every skin reacts at its own pace.

Frequently asked questions about photorejuvenation

Is photorejuvenation painful? How does it feel?

This treatment is not painful. However, you may feel a tingling sensation initially and then diffuse heat during the session. It should be noted that no considerable pain is observed. In addition, the gel applied to your skin eliminates any risk of burning or damage.

What happens after photorejuvenation?

It will be a rare occurrence if you experience a side effect to this treatment. IPL photorejuvenation is one of the preferred non-invasive technologies for resolving skin damage as simply as possible.

After a session, it is common to feel the heat on the treated area, which you can relieve with a moisturizer. If the treatment was done on the face, you can even apply makeup right after.

The effects of your treatment will last several months. It is recommended to have a maintenance treatment every two years to maintain the benefits.

Is it the best solution for me?

Photorejuvenation promotes the simultaneous improvement of various vascular (redness), pigment (brownness), or skin (texture, elasticity, fine lines, pores) anomalies. You may want to consider a course of treatment if you have any of these skin problems or if you want to give your complexion more luminosity.

But this treatment is avoided during pregnancy. It is also not suitable for those with pacemakers. There may also be other contraindications. 

Are you interested in photorejuvenation?

Contact us for a consultation with Dr. Bernier at our Sherbrooke clinic.