Dark Spots
Elos™ technology, based on the principle of selective photothermolysis, uses light impulses of the right wavelength and duration for destroying specific targets (chromophores). Intense pulsed light (IPL) used in Elos™ technology enables us to apply several wavelengths in order to reach, with great precision, different chromophores (targets) at varying depths.
Thus the skin and neighbouring structures are preserved. To maximize optical energy and the energy available for in-depth targets, the electrical energy of the bipolar radiofrequency’s spectre will be combined, which will also be selectively absorbed by the target.
Blue Light, Levulan™ (ALA)
Abnormally active cells contain a certain substance in greater quantity than cells with normal metabolism. This substance produces, under the influence of blue light, a type of oxygen that is toxic for the cells. Bacteria causing acne, rosacea and certain melanocytes that produce melanin are examples of that; blue light can eliminate them.
The presence of this photosensitive substance can be increased by applying Levulan™, a product necessary for the biosynthesis of the photosensitive substance. Then, blue light radiation produces yet more toxic oxygen, which enables the elimination of several types of hyperactive cells: precancerous cells, acne and rosacea bacteria, brown spot melanocytes, etc.
What care should be applied before and after the treatment?
To improve the skin’s texture and elasticity, you need to stimulate the regeneration of new collagen fibres as well as the restructuring of the existing fibres.
To do so, all that needs to be done is to create thermal lesions at the level of dermal collagen fibres and thereby trigger the natural restorative and regeneration processes. With Elos™ technology this is achieved while protecting the skin’s surface (the skin is not bared).
This technique closes the dilated pores, smoothes the skin, smoothes out the fine lines and enhances skin tightness.
Blue light and Levulan™ (ALA) will act selectively on the bacteria and germs responsible for rosacea.
For the most severe cases (that also include excessively oily skin) dynamic phototherapy with Levulan (ALA) will maximize the potential of the results.
What can we treat with photorejuvenation?
Several cosmetic problems of the face’s and body’s skin can benefit from this type of treatment:
- Abnormalities of the vascular bed, such as erythrose , telangiectasia, angiomas, rosacea, sudden and transitory redness. These conditions can be improved on average from 50% to 75%.
- Brown pigmentary abnormalities related to melanin, such as melasma, chloasma, sunspots (ephelides, lentigines (freckles), keratoses); age spots can be improved on average from 50% to 75%.
- Sun lesions on the back of the hands and the neck (poikiloderma) can also be improved between 50% and 75%.
- Fine lines, skin thinning and loss of elasticity can-thanks to the synergy of intense pulsed light applied simultaneously with powerful bipolar radiofrequency-be improved by up to 60%, and without the convalescence stage.
What Are the Benefits of Photorejuvenation?
The main benefit of this technique is that it is not necessary to provide special care after the treatment or to take time off from work or other daily activities.
Another important plus with this treatment is the concurrent improvement of different abnormalities: vascular (redness), pigmentary (brown spots), cutaneous (texture, elasticity, fine lines, pores).
For rosacea, this technique can be an alternative to taking antibiotics and other antifungals—which is a major advantage.
What can I expect from photorejuvenation?
The treatment is carried out in several stages. The improvement degree is gradual and progressive; it will continue through the months following the last step due to the biological processes of tissue restoration that can take up to 5 to 6 months.
The programme usually involves 5 to 7 sessions of phototherapy every 3 weeks depending on the severity of the acne. To potentiate and maximize the penetration of the treatments, preparation of the skin may be recommended by the specialist (e.g. hydroquinone, peelings, microdermabrasion, etc.). Some cases will benefit from the application of ALA (dynamic phototherapy, which accelerates results).
Treatment takes place in a medical clinic under the supervision of a physician. The skin of the region to be treated is covered with a gel that optimizes light transmission, then cooled with compressed cold air in order to prevent the trauma and removal of the epidermodermal surface.
Lasting from 30 to 45 minutes, this particular treatment is mild and requires little care afterwards. Patients can put on their make-up and resume their activities as soon as the treatment is over.
Is this the Solution for Me?
Photorejuvenation can be performed on various skins and for different cutaneous lesions. Nevertheless, some medications, illnesses, skin, and health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, wearing a pacemaker, etc.) represent contraindications. That’s why a prior medical evaluation is essential.
Are you interested in treating your dark spots?
Skin rejuvenation is now safe and gentle. It addresses many skin issues and does not require recovery time or special care.
Contact us for a consultation with Dr. Bernier. We are present in Montreal, Sherbrooke and Val-D’Or.